Continua il predominio di Just Dance 3 in Italia, il gioco UbiSoft sbaraglia la concorrenza e si piazza direttamente al primo posto nella classifica multiformato console. Segue Uncharted 3, titolo che ha riscosso un buon successo nel nostro paese, con Modern Warfare 3 che occupa l’ultima posizione del podio.
Da segnalare il buon debutto di Resident Evil Revelations, il gioco Capcom si trova in settima posizione, un buon risultato per un gioco Nintendo 3DS. Come di consueto, dopo il salto trovate la classifica completa.
Top 10 console
- Just Dance 3 (Wii, Ubisoft)
- Uncharted 3: L’Inganno di Drake (PS3, Sony)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3, Activision)
- FIFA 12 (PS3, EA)
- Mario Kart 7 (3DS, Nintendo)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (PS3, Konami)
- Resident Evil Revelations (3DS, Nintendo)
- Super Mario 3D Land (3DS, Nintendo)
- Wii Party (Wii, Nintendo)
- FIFA 12 (X360, EA)
Top 10 PC
- World of Warcraft carta prepagata 2 mesi (Activision)
- Football Manager 2012 (SEGA)
- King’s Bounty: Crossworlds Premium (FX Interactive)
- The Sims 3 (EA)
- X-Plane 8 Premium (FX Interactive)
- The Elder Crolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
- Battlefield 3 (EA)
- The Sims 3: Master Suite Stuff (EA)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (EA)
Top 10 Nintendo 3DS
- Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo)
- Resident Evil Revelations (Capcom)
- Super Mario 3D Land (Nintendo)
- Asphalt 3D (Ubisoft)
- Super Pokémon Rumble (Nintendo)
- Resident Evil Revelations + Circle Pad Pro (Capcom)
- Cubic Ninja (Ubisoft)
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo)
- Cooking Mama 4: Kitchen Magic (505 Games)
- Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure Starter Pack (Activision)
Top 10 Nintendo DS
- New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
- Il Professor Layton e il Richiamo dello Spettro (Nintendo)
- Pokémon versione Nera (Nintendo)
- Mario Kart (Nintendo)
- Pokémon versione Bianca (Nintendo)
- Inazuma Eleven (Nintendo)
- Cars 2 (Disney)
- Art Academy (Nintendo)
- Il Professor Layton e il Futuro Perduto (Nintendo)
- Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo)
Top 10 PlayStation 2
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
- FIFA 12 (EA)
- Black (EA)
- Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Platinum (Rockstar)
- Need for Speed: Undercover (EA)
- Need for Speed: Most Wanted (EA)
- WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007 + DVD (THQ)
- Il Padrino (EA)
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Rockstar)
- The Sims 2 (EA)
Top 10 PlayStation 3
- Uncharted 3: L’Inganno di Drake (Sony)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision)
- FIFA 12 (EA)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations (Ubisoft)
- Battlefield 3 (EA)
- Gran Turismo 5 Platinum (Sony)
- PSN Card 20 Euro Uncharted 3 (Sony)
- Need for Speed: The Run Limited Edition (EA)
- The Sims 3 (EA)
Top 10 PSP
- Assassin’s Creed Bloodlines (Ubisoft)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
- FIFA 12 (EA)
- Gran Turismo Essentials (Sony)
- Cars 2 (Sony)
- Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (Rockstar)
- Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (Rockstar)
- Geronimo Stilton (Sony)
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (Rockstar)
- Tekken: Dark Resurrection Essentials (Namco Bandai)
Top 10 Nintendo Wii
- Just Dance 3 (Ubisoft)
- Wii Party (Nintendo)
- New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
- Wii Fit Plus + Balance Board (Nintendo)
- Mario & Sonic ai Giochi Olimpici di Londra 2012 (SEGA)
- Michael Jackson: The Experience (Ubisoft)
- Wii Play Motion + Wii Remote Plus (Nintendo)
- Mario Kart + Wii Wheel (Nintendo)
- Zumba Fitness + belt (505 Games)
- Wii Fit Plus + Balance Board Black (Nintendo)
Top 10 Xbox 360
- FIFA 12 (EA)
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision)
- Kinect Sports: Stagione 2 (Microsoft)
- Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
- Battlefield 3 (EA)
- Forza MotorSport 4 (Microsoft)
- Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012 Kinect (Ubisoft)
- Assassin’s Creed Revelations (Ubisoft)
- Kinect Adventures + Kinect The Gunstringer + Kinect Fruit Ninja (Microsoft)
- Dance Central 2 Kinect (Microsoft)
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