I ragazzi di Xbox360Achievements hanno rilasciato la lista degli obiettivi di LEGO Pirati Dei Caraibi, nuovo gioco a base di mattoncini in arrivo a maggio su console, in contemporanea con l’uscita del nuovo film Disney.
Gli obiettivi della versione Xbox 360 sono 40 e, come di consueto, permettono di ottenere fino ad un massimo di 1.000 punti giocatore. Dopo il salto trovate la lista completa, buona lettura.
Welcome to the Caribbean!
Reward: 12
Objective: Complete Port Royal
A pirate’s life for me
Reward: 15
Objective: Test any custom character
A weather eye on the horizon
Reward: 15
Objective: Use a spyglass
Aye-aye, captain!
Reward: 15
Objective: Play a level in co-op
Reward: 15
Objective: Fire 100 cannonballs
Hello, poppet!
Reward: 15
Objective: Unlock all Elizabeth characters (Single Player Only)
Here there be monsters
Reward: 15
Objective: Get eaten by a creature in deadly water
I am a bad man
Reward: 15
Objective: Play a level with all Extras turned on (Single Player Only)
More what you’d call guidelines
Reward: 15
Objective: Complete the Brethren Court
Reward: 15
Objective: Unlock all the Jack Sparrow characters (Single Player Only)
The best pirate I’ve ever seen
Reward: 15
Objective: Complete Port Royal in Story without dying
The Green Flash
Reward: 15
Objective: Watch a sunset
The worst pirate I’ve ever seen
Reward: 15
Objective: Complete Port Royal in Story with zero studs
Try wearing a corset
Reward: 15
Objective: Do 5 lady backflips in a row
Wind in your sails!
Reward: 15
Objective: Hit a flying parrot on Smuggler’s Den
You filthy, slimy, mangy cur!
Reward: 15
Objective: Complete all the Guard Dog levels
You’re off the edge of the map
Reward: 15
Objective: Highlight the secret 6th point on all 4 level select maps (Single Player Only)
At World’s End
Reward: 20
Objective: Complete the Film 3 story
Dead Man’s Chest
Reward: 20
Objective: Complete the Film 2 story
Did everybody see that?
Reward: 20
Objective: High dive into the Maelstrom
Fight to the bitter end!
Reward: 20
Objective: Defeat 100 enemies
Gents, take a walk
Reward: 20
Objective: Walk on the sea bed with all possible characters
On Stranger Tides
Reward: 20
Objective: Complete the Film 4 story
The Curse of the Black Pearl
Reward: 20
Objective: Complete the Film 1 story
And really bad eggs
Reward: 25
Objective: Play as all the Extra Toggle characters
Believing in ghost stories
Reward: 25
Objective: Unlock all the cursed Black Pearl crew characters (Single Player Only)
Do you fear death?
Reward: 25
Objective: Unlock all the Flying Dutchman crew characters (Single Player Only)
Hello, beastie
Reward: 25
Objective: Get eaten by the Kraken 10 times
Reward: 25
Objective: Unlock all characters (Single Player Only)
Sea turtles, mate
Reward: 25
Objective: Ride on all types of animal in the game
The Brethren Court
Reward: 25
Objective: Unlock all the Pirate Lord characters (Single Player Only)
The pirate all pirates fear
Reward: 25
Objective: Unlock all the Queen Anne’s Revenge crew characters (Single Player Only)
There’s the Jack I know
Reward: 25
Objective: Get True Pirate in all levels (Single Player Only)
What do you want most?
Reward: 25
Objective: In any level use only the compass to find all it’s secrets in one go, alone.
You may throw my hat
Reward: 40
Objective: Collect all the red hats (Single Player Only)
Hoist the colours!
Reward: 50
Objective: Sail all the minikits in the hub
Take what you can
Reward: 65
Objective: Collect all Gold bricks (Single Player Only)
Pieces of Eight
Reward: 88
Objective: Reach 888,888,888 studs
Now bring me that horizon
Reward: 100
Objective: Complete the game to 100% (Single Player Only)
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