Xbox Live: Deals With Gold del 17 settembre 2015

Microsoft ha annunciato da poco le nuove offerte della settimana valide per tutti gli utenti Xbox Live abbonati al servizio Gold su Xbox 360 e Xbox One. Riportiamo qui di seguito la lista completa dei Deals With Gold ed Ultimate Game Sale di questa settimana:

Xbox One
Forza Horizon 2: Storm Island Add-On 50%
Grand Theft Auto V Xbox One Game 20%
Grand Theft Auto V + Great White Shark Cash Card Xbox One Game 30%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Xbox One Game 33%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Imperial Edition Xbox One Game 33%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Premium Edition Xbox One Game 33%
Trials Fusion: The Awesome Max Edition Xbox One Game 40%

Offerte valide anche per gli utenti Silver
Warframe: 75 Platinum Add-On 30%
Warframe: 170 Platinum Add-On 30%
Warframe: 370 Platinum Add-On 30%
Warframe: 1000 Platinum + Rare Mod Add-On 30%
Warframe: 2100 Platinum + Dual Rare Mods Add-On 30%
Warframe: 3210 Platinum + Triple Rare Mods Add-On 30%
Jet Car Stunts Xbox One Game 50%
Unmechanical Extended Xbox One Game 50%

Xbox 360
Forza Horizon VIP Membership and Cars Pack Add-On 70%
Grand Theft Auto V Games On Demand 58%
Grand Theft Auto IV Games On Demand 75%
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Games On Demand 75%

Offerte valide anche per gli utenti Silver
Darksiders Games On Demand 80%
Darksiders II Games On Demand 80%
Darksiders II Argul’s Tomb Add-On 70%
Darksiders II Death Rides Pack Add-On 70%
Darksiders II Season Pass Add-On 70%

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