Come consuetudine, sono stati resi noti i nuovi contenuti presenti sul servizio di shopping online Nintendo eShop, sia su console casalinga Wii U che su console portatile 3DS con l’aggiornamento settimanale. A seguire vi proponiamo la lista completa:
Wii U eShop
6180 the moon (Turtle Cream, €3.99/ £3.59)
Inside My Radio (Seaven Studio, €14.99/ £12.99)
REPLAY: VHS is Not Dead (Neko Entertainment, €9.99/ £7.49)
SMART Adventures Mission Math: Sabotage at the Space Station (Engine Software, €2.99/ £2.69)
Defense Dome (HullBreach Studios, €2.99/ £2.29)
Wii U Virtual Console
Pokémon Ranger (Nintendo, €9.99/ £8.99)
Offerte speciali Wii U eShop
Joe’s Diner (Joindots, €7.19 / £5.39)
SDK Paint (HullBreach Studios, €3.35 / £2.9)
SDK Spriter (HullBreach Studios, gratis)
3DS eShop
Mega Man Legacy Collection (Capcom, €14.99/ £11.99)
Sadame (Rising Star Games, €14.99/ £12.99)
Excave III: Tower of Destiny (Bergsala Lightweight, €7.99 / £7.19)
Toy Defence (CIRCLE Entertainment, €3.99 / £3.19)
3DS Virtual Console
Pokémon Red (Nintendo, €9.99/ £8.99)
Pokémon Blue (Nintendo, €9.99/ £8.99)
Pokémon Yellow (Nintendo, €9.99/ £8.99)
3DS Retail Download
Bravely Second: End Layer (Nintendo/Square Enix, €44.99 / £39.99)
Bravely Second: End Layer: SP Drink (Nintendo/Square Enix, €0.99 / £0.89)
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight: Thunder Queen’s Legacy (NIS America, €1.99/ £1.79)
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight: The Eldritch Hound (NIS America, €1.99/ £1.79)
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight:Wanted: Blessed Clover (NIS America, €1.99/ £1.79)