Guerrilla ha fatto sapere che domani sarà resa disponibile la patch 1.07 per Killzone 3, un aggiornamento corposo ma necessario per risolvere alcuni bug e problemi presenti sia nella modalità multiplayer che nella campagna per giocatore singolo.
Anche il supporto per il controller Move viene finalmente migliorato e vengono risolti alcuni problemi che impedivano di puntare correttamente usando questo sistema di controllo.
Killzone 2 Patch 1.07
- Bullet Damage and Faster Aim ribbon now unlock correctly
- Separate turn speeds for ADS on Primary weapons in Multiplayer
- Increased Accuracy ribbon effectiveness has been lowered
- Bullet Damage ribbon effectiveness has been lowered
- The 3rd person revive beam now shows correctly
- Bilgarsk Boulevard – preventing players getting stuck at spawn location
- Akmir Snowdrift – fixed a problem where the speaker object can fall beneath a piece of geometry
- Fixed a crash when joining a Guerrilla Warfare Clan match
- Blood Gracht – Fix for a hang when the Recon ability was used
- Fixed a crash while joining a Warzone game
- Player gets directed to multiplayer lobby when being kicked from game due to inactivity
- Adjustments to reduce the server load
- MAWLR Graveyard –Improved collision around one of the Capture and Hold locations
- Kaznan Jungle – Added a blocker around a tree to prevent player to use tree to jump out of the level
- Bilgarsk Boulevard – Removed invisible collision of S&D objectives in Guerrilla Warfare
- Bilgarsk Boulevard – Prevent players from accessing an advantageous position (above the ISA Base) and climb out of the level
Single Player Campaign
- Scrapyard Shortcut – Mobile Factory – Fixed a hang to a red Debug screen upon the user reaching the Jetpack Trooper
- Added a “Mute all” button
- Updated icons and text on the Medals statistics
- Fixed clipped text for moderator messages
- The Faster Reload ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
- The Increased Accuracy ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
- The Bullet Damage ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
- Fixes a hang when accepting a squad invite on the final results screen of an online game
- Fixed the Pause functionality in Botzone on the Class selection screen
- “Squad menu” is changed to “manage players” in the menu
- Button configuration improvements – Swapped L1/L2 grenade and aim
- Melee is now on the circle button
- Multiplayer – Aim Lock will now time out after one second
- Camera turn upped while using jetpack. Lowered for mounted weapons
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