Playstation Store, aggiornamenti 5 gennaio 2011

Questa notte carica di doni e di calze ricolme di dolci arriverà la simpatica vecchina che tutti conoscono come befana. Voi avete fatto i buoni o vi meritate invece una bella dose di carbone e cipolle? Se l’arzilla donna che vola a cavallo di una scopa non vi tratterà per il meglio potrete consolarvi con il primo aggiornamento dell’anno per il Playstation Store. Non c’è molto di nuovo sotto al sole in realtà, ma per continuare ad avere il brivido del gioco con le carte anche dopo queste festività natalizie, non c’è niente di meglio che regalarsi il mitico Uno ad appena 99 centesimi, senza dimenticare l’aggressività di Blood Bowl dedicato invece alla PSP.

Risolti gli inconvenienti tecnici per chi aveva acquistato Tales of Monkey Island e si era ritrovato soltanto col primo dei cinque episodi, nonché aggiornamento ulteriore per le delize del Neo Geo con titoli nuovi come Samurai Shadown. Per controllare tutti gli aggiornamenti, guardate anche la lista completa che trovate dopo il salto.

Offerte Speciali
(Disponibili fino al 19 Gennaio)

UNO (PS3) (da €7.99 a €0.99)
H.A.W.X. Supremacy Pack (da €9.99 a €5.99)
Blood Bowl (PSP) (da €19.99 a €12.99)
Pro Cycling 2010: Tour de France (PSP) (da €29.99 a €17.99)
UNO (PSP) (da €7.99 a €0.99)
Driver (PSone) (da €4.99 a €3.59)
Alien Havoc (mini) (da €4.99 a €2.99)
Bubble Trubble (mini) (da €4.99 a €2.99) (Disponibile fino al 12 Gennaio)
Tales of Monkey Island (da €17.99 a €8.99)

Riduzioni di Prezzo Permanenti
Legends of War: Patton’s Campaign (ora €19.99)

Demo e Gioco Completo (PS3)
MicroBot (€7.99) Rating: PEGI 7

Giochi Completi (PS3)
Borderlands (€29.99) Rating: PEGI 18
Dream Chronicles (€9.99) Rating: PEGI 3
Assassin’s Creed: Ascendance Movie (€1.99) Rating: PEGI 18

Giochi Completi (PSP)
The Red Star (€17.99) Rating: PEGI 12

NEOGEO Station (PSP)
Alpha Mission II (€6.99) Rating: PEGI 7
Art of Fighting (€6.99) Rating: PEGI 12
Samurai Shodown (€6.99) Rating: PEGI 16

minis (PS3 e PSP)
Sky Force (€2.99) Rating: PEGI 7
Family Games (€3.99) Rating: PEGI 3

Demo (PS3)
Kung-Fu LIVE Rating: PEGI 12
TV Superstars Rating: PEGI 7

Add-On (PS3)
Trinity Universe
o Godly Weapon Pack (€1.99)
o High Ability Pack (€0.99)
o Macaroon’s Black Market Pack (€1.99)
o Clear Soul Pack Extra Volume (€3.99)
o Paternal Love Pack (€1.99)
o Super Galaxy Pirate Pack (€2.99)

Rating: PEGI 12

Def Jam RapStar
o ASD- Sneak Preview (€1.49)
o Diddy – Bad Boy for Life (€1.49)

Rating: PEGI 12

John Daly’s ProStroke Golf – Course Pack 01(gratis) Rating: PEGI 3

ModNation Racers
o New Year Mod Pack (€0.99)
o Babu Mod Pack (€0.99)

Rating: PEGI 7

EyePet Move
o Sports Styling Pack (€2.99)
o Butterfly Outfit (gratis)

Rating: PEGI 3

Rock Band 3
o Johnny Cash Pack 01 (€9.99) (contiene le tracce seguenti vendute anche separatamente)
o ‘Cry, Cry, Cry’ (€1.49)
o ‘Don’t Take Your Guns To Town’ (€1.49)
o ‘Five Feet High And Rising’ (€1.49)
o ‘Folsom Prison Blues’ (€1.49)
o ‘I Got Stripes’ (€1.49)
o ‘I Walk The Line’ (€1.49)
o ‘Tennessee Flat Top Box’ (€1.49)
o ‘The Ballad Of Ira Hayes’ (€1.49)
o Celebrating Band on the Run Pack (€5.29) (contiene le seguenti tracce vendute anche separatamente)
o ‘Band On The Run’ by Paul McCartney and Wings (€1.49)
o ‘Helen Wheels’ by Paul McCartney and Wings (€1.49)
o ‘Let Me Roll It’ by Paul McCartney and Wings (€1.49)
o ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ by Paul McCartney and Wings (€1.49)
o HMX Bands Pack (gratis) (contiene le tracce seguenti)
+ ‘Visions’ by Abnormality
+ ‘Get Clean’ by Anarchy Club
+ ‘Night Lies’ by Bang Camaro
+ ‘Shoulder to the Plow’ by Breaking Wheel
+ ‘Welcome to the Neighborhood’ by The Libyans
+ ‘A Jagged Gorgeous Winter’ by The Main Drag
+ ‘Conventional Lover’ by Speck
+ ‘Supreme Girl’ by The Sterns
+ ‘Rob the Prez-O-Dent’ by That Handsome Devil
+ ‘Cities in Dust’ by Siouxsie and The Banshees (€1.49)
+ ‘Open My Eyes’ by Inhabited (€1.49)

Rating: PEGI 12

Rock Band Network
o ‘(Do You Wanna Date My) Avatar’ by The Guild feat. Felicia Day (€0.79)
o ‘Bullet With A Name’ by Non Point (€1.49)
o ‘Buttersnips’ by Periphery (€1.49)
o ‘Deliver Us’ by Andy Timmons (€1.49)
o ‘Obsfucation’ by Between the Buried and Me (€1.49)
o ‘Rise Above This’ by Seether (€1.49)
o ‘Second and Sebring’ by Of Mice & Men (€1.49)
o ‘The Anthem of the Angry Brides’ by Norma Jean (€1.49)
o ‘The Waiting One’ by All That Remains (€1.49)
o ‘Wake Up’ by Suicide Silence (€1.49)

Rating: PEGI 12

Add-On (PSP)
Prinny 2
o Netherworld Radish (€0.99)
o Super Netherworld (gratis)

Rating: PEGI 12

Avatars (PS3)
o Absorbemon (€0.25)
o Explodemon 1 (€0.25)
o Explodemon 2 (€0.25)
o Helpdesk Girl (€0.25)
o Logo (€0.25)

Temi (PS3)
Eat Them! Theme 2
Top Darts Theme

Temi Dinamici (PS3)
Straight Right Themes – GT Driver Dynamic Theme (€1.99)

Lama Themes
o Dynamic Clouds (€1.99)
o Dynamic Golden Soccer Ball (€2.99)
o Dynamic Soccer Ball (€1.99)
o Dynamic Sparkling Soccer Ball (€1.99)

Wallpapers (PS3)
Eat Them! Factory Wallpaper
Eat Them! Prison Wallpaper
Top Darts Logo Wallpaper
Top Darts Pub Wallpaper

Wallpapers (PSP)
Legends of War: Patton’s Campaign Wallpaper 3

Video (PS3)
Dead Nation Dev Diary Trailer
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
o L vs. P Trailer
o Launch Trailer
o Seacrest Trailer
o Ultimate Cop Trailer

Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam
o Op Hastings Trailer
o VIP Trailer

Spare Parts Simon Pegg video

Video (PSP)
Valkyria Chronicles II DLC Trailer

1 commento su “Playstation Store, aggiornamenti 5 gennaio 2011”

  1. Eti ministri eshe dogsyarutiya, odin iz zakonov imi prinimaemix podnimet musulman po nastoyashemu. Kafiram sleduet znat, chto mi lyubim smert bolshe chem oni svoyu jalkuyu jizn


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