Assassin’s Creed 3, nuovo aggiornamento PS3 e Xbox 360

UbiSoft ha rilasciato una nuova corposa patch per Assassin’s Creed 3 che prepara il gioco all’arrivo del DLC La Tirannia di Re Washington, disponibile su Xbox 360 e PS3 dal 19 febbraio. L’update contiene anche diverse migliorie per la campagna single player e per il multiplayer, dopo il salto trovate l’elenco delle novità incluse nella patch.

Single player

  • Fixed a potential crash in mission “Bridewell Prison” when trying to skip cinematic with Mason.

Bug fix

  • Fixed a bug preventing the creation of new Uplay accounts
  • Removed the ability to hide pivots during pass-throughs and cinematics

DLC preparation

  • Added support for “Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy”
  • Fixed potential game data corruption when a DLC download ends while the player is in-game.


  • In Wolfpack, a target doesn’t remain stuck on the ground if the player hosting the game leaves while another player is joining at the same time.
  • In Wolfpack, some targets that were not visible to players under certain conditions can now be seen correctly.
  • In Wolfpack, the radar is not broken under certain conditions anymore.
  • In Artifact Assault, Team members can now correctly score when the initial artifact carrier gets killed under certain conditions.
  • In Deathmatch, players no longer have lookalikes NPCs unless they use abilities that create lookalikes.
  • In Deathmatch, the game no longer crashes in the New York brewery map for a player who used a Decoy while hiding in a group.
  • Some players are no longer stuck in rematch after completing a Simple Deathmatch session on the Saint Pierre map.


  • Some ladder issues when players left a session during the first minute have been corrected.
  • Ladders now update properly upon a full group kick.

Graphical glitches

  • The Independent’s hair when she wears the Wild Cat costume now displays correctly.
  • The Strong Man’s white costume, alternative costume and warrior costume now display properly when hiding in a group.

Platform specific

  • On Xbox 360, the Uplay icon and unlock conditions for unlockables redeemed via Uplay have been restored.
  • Loyalty unlocks are now available on PC.


  • Character customization is no longer reset under certain conditions.
  • The Wipe ability now correctly works from a distance.
  • The timer now properly starts and players can interact with each other prior to the host getting into the session.
  • Sound will properly keep playing when trying to watch a video under certain conditions.
  • An error message now displays when players attempt to watch DLC videos without having the DLC installed.
  • Chasebreakers in the Animus Core map now correctly reopen for team mates.Players are no longer stuck on leaving game session screen under certain circumstances.
  • When you create a group in a private game, that group now stays the same through different sessions.

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