Insomniac ha annunciato ufficialmente la disponibilità di una nuova patch per Resistance 3. L’aggiornamento 1.05 per il gioco sarà rilasciato la settimana prossima e conterrà un bel po’ di novità fra cui due nuove mappe multiplayer: Creek (16 giocatori) e The Granary (4 giocatori).
Le altre novità della patch includono la correzione di alcuni bug direte, la possibilità di comprare abilità al livello 60 e un miglior supporto a Move. La lista completa dei cambiamenti la trovate dopo il salto.
Deathcam: Update and bug fixes to the deathcam system
- Updated Network error messages
- Several performance updates to fix network lag
- Improved load times for friends list
- Refined Hero movement for improved network syncing
- Fixed issues related to the game host quitting out of a private game
- The host will no longer lose the ability to start the game after completing a match and returning to the lobby
- Players will no longer be put into a Team deathmatch game while searching for Deathmatch or Deathmatch Small
- Searching Deathmatch Small with a party of five or more will no longer cause the “Finding Game” screen to loop until the player backs out.
- Improved team balancing
- Cleaned up overlapping text fields in the UI
- The icon for “Double Bird” is now consistant across all menues
- Fixes to the HUD while playing in Immersive mode
- Party is no longer allowed to create and enter a game with no opposing team
- The party leader of parties with 3 players will can no longer result in the party leader being put into the staging screen while the rest of the party is disbanded.
MP Gameplay
- All equipment and abilities are now purchasable at level 60
- Players will no longer spawn invisible to other players
- Suicides award enemies kills if the player is still wounded from their damage
- Abilities will no longer lose functionality if they activate the ability at the same moment that they dies
- Split screen players will no longer be on seperate teams
- Players bodies will no longer hold onto weapons after being killed
- Change to Chain Reaction final node time
- Leaper Corpse will now spawn fewer leapers
- The bubble shield will now disapear when the EMP is used against it.
- Dash now gives more consistent feedback when the player is unable to use it
- The players head will no longer vanish when killed while performing a taunt
- Assassin no longer displays the user as a friendly on the radar for DM games
- Players will no longer lose berserks and abilities after playing a number of match making games
- The player will no longer spawn with different genades than what was placed in the primary slot through grenadier
- The mutators secondary’s will deal damage regardless of the surface to which it is applied
- Marksman turrets will function properly regardless of the surface to which it is applied
- Wildfire lock-on disabled in between shots in MP
Art: Misc art, collision and volume fixes
* Localization fixes and updates
Move: Improved the Move’s aim mechanic
- Several bug and crash fixes
- Co-op player can now watch videos normally
- Fixes to progression stopping issues while playing campaign in co-op
- Fixed the loading screen for 3D
- Tracker footprints now appear for both eyes
Campaign: Misc fixes to campaign
- Remnant levels have been corrected
- Improvements to the UI